Time Periods - Baroque Age - Italian Baroque

3 important questions on Time Periods - Baroque Age - Italian Baroque

What are the characteristics of architecture in the Italian Baroque and how does it differ from the Renaissance?

  • Characteristics:
    • More powerful expression Classical forms.
    • More dynamic spacial effects.
    • Theatrical effects.
    • Imaginative use of light
  • Differences with Renaissance architecture:
    • More decorations.
      • Facade like a sculpture.
    • Playful.
    • Emphasized height.
    • Scrolled buttresses.
  • Most important architects:
    • Carlo Maderno (1556-1629).
      • St Peter's.
    • Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
      • St. Peter's.
    • Fransesco Boromini (1599-1667).
      • San Carlo alle Quattro Fontante.

What are the characteristics of the sculpture of the Italian Baroque?

  • Religion = theatre, more emphasis on emotion.
    • Bernini's Ecstasy of St. Theresa (1645-52).
  • Naturalism, but not idealisation (like Michelangelo's David).
  • Interaction with the environment.
  • Broad appeal.
  • Action (movement).
  • Portrayal of most emotional moment.
  • Most important sculptor:
    • Bernini (1598-1680).
      • David.
      • Ecstasy of St. Theresa.

What are the characteristics of painting of the Italian Baroque?

  • Religious subjects.
    • But placed in contemporary society.
  • Theatrical and dramatic.
    • Theatrical effects.
    • To evoke emotion.
    • Most dramatic moment portrayed.
    • No restrained as in the Renaissance.
  • Movement, dynamic effects.
    • Imaginatvie use of light (tenebrism).
  • Realism (naturalism, not idealisation).
  • Most important painters:
    • Caravaggio (1571-1610).
      • Calling of St. Matthew.
    • Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-ca.1656).
      • Judith Slaying Holofernes.

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