Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - John Calvin and the Institutes of Christina Religion

5 important questions on Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - John Calvin and the Institutes of Christina Religion

Who was John Calvin and when did he live.

Calvin (1509-1564) was a radical Protestant leader and writer of the 'Institutes of the Christian Religion'.

What are the five most important institutes of the 'Institutes of Christian Religion' by John Calvin (1509-1564)?

  • Humans are born in depravity whereby they, due to Adam's fall, inherit original sin.
  • God's will is absolute and all-powerful.
  • Faith is superior to good works, because humans lack the capacity to know what's truly good in the eyes of God.
  • Salvation comes through God's grace rather than any acts of the people.
  • God predestines some to eternal salvation (the Elect) and others to eternal perdition (the Damned). While no one knows in which category they fall, all must obey God's commands, in case they turn out to be one of the Elect.

Where did Calvinism start and where did it spread to?

Calvinism started in Geneva in Switserland and spread into France, the Netherlands, England, Scotland and North America.
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The Calvnist attitude can be traced in another movement.
Which movement?

The rise of the Puritans.

Later books by famous authors can be traced to the Calvinist attitude.
Name 5:

  • Paradise Lost - by Milton.
  • Works of Puritan writer Edward Taylor.
  • Works of Puritan writer Cotton Mather.
  • The Scarlet Letter - by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • Moby-Dick - By Herman Melville.

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