Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Martin Luther and the Reformation

12 important questions on Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Martin Luther and the Reformation

Who was Martin Luther and did he live?

Martin Luther was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation and lived from 1483 - 1546.

What was Martin Luther's profession, apart from his religious obligiations?

He was a professor of philosophy and biblical studies at Wittenberg University.

At Wittenberg University in the early 16th century, the learning process depended on disputations.
What do we mean with this?

Disputations are academic debates. Wittenberg held weekly disputations, attended by faculty and students, which were judged on succes according to the rules of logic.
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What happened in 1516, that made Martin Luther (1483-1546) rethink the question of salvation as posed by the Roman Catholic Church at that time?

Luther started to translate the Bible and in particularly the Greek New Testament into German and found out that the message of the Holy Bible differed from the message posed by the Catholic Church at that time.

What happened on October 31, 1517, that drew Luther to attention of Pope Leo X?

Luther published his 'Ninety-Five Theses', in which he posed 95 theses to reform the Catholic Church.

Who was the Dominican munk Tetzel and what is relation to the reformation in the early 16th century?

Tetzel was a munk that preached a lot about the importance of Indulgences. When the people who listened to him informed their priest, Martin Luther, that they no longer needed to confess sins or go to church, because they purchased lifetime indulgences from Tetzel, Luther was outraged.  Luther's 'Ninety-Five Theses' (october 31, 1517), was the result of this outrage, starting the Protestant Reformation.

Which discovery helped Luther's ideas to get a greater impact?

The discovery of the printing press.

What was Martin Luther's main stance on the Christian faith?

Believers of God could be 'justified by faith alone'. Luther believed that every nonessential religious practice needed to be stripped away.

In his 'Ninety-Five Theses', apart from the sale of indulgences, Martin Luther had three fundamental concerns about the Roman Catholic Church at that time.
Can you name those concerns?

  • Opulence & worldliness of the Roman Church.
  • The idea that faith, instead of good works, led to a person's salvation.
  • The idea that the papacy was the supreme authority in matters of faith and morals, instead of Scripture including the Old and New Testaments.

Central to the reformer's ideas was an emphasis on the importance of individual conscience.
What does this mean?

Men should focus on his personal relationship with God instead of a relationship mediated by priests, doctrines and religious traditions.

What is the correlation between Martin Luther (1483-1546) and the social revolution in Europe and America a century later?

Luther laid the groundwork for the social revolution with his ideas about social democracy and equality.

Martin Luther was an avid lover of the arts.
Which art in particular?

In particular music. He also wrote music and many of his songs are still sung.

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