High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Painting and Printmaking - Hans Holbein the Younger

3 important questions on High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Painting and Printmaking - Hans Holbein the Younger

Who was Hans Holbein the Younger and when did he live?

Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98-1543) was a painter, mostly famous because of his portraiture of many important people.

What are the most important works of Hans Holbein the Younger?

  • The portrait of 'Erasmus of Rotterdam' (1523).
  • Portraits of the royal family of King Henry VIII of England from 1536.

Describe the working method of Hans Holbein the Younger.

  • He begins by chalking a sketch, where he draws the face in careful detail but leaves the body and costume loosely indicated.
  • After that he paints the portrait in his studio, where the sitter could send the garment he/she wanted to wear in the portrait. They didn't have to be present and pose for hours.

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