Language, identity and interculturality - Interculturality: from being to doing cultural identities

6 important questions on Language, identity and interculturality - Interculturality: from being to doing cultural identities

What is multiculturalism concerned with?

Organic co-existence of cultural groups and communities.

What does interculturality represent in the field of intercultural learning and education?

A language-and-culture learning pedagogy which believes that the goal of language learning is to become intercultural speakers, mediating between different perspectives and cultures, rather than to replace one's native language and culture with target ones.

What does interculturality represent as an emerging research paradigm?

A line of investigation that departs from traditions of seeing cultural memberships or cultural differences, largely, if not always, as something given, static, or as something one either has or does not have.
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What does the interculturality perspective argue?

That an individual has a number of identities and belongs to many membership categories, but not all identities are equally salient or relevant at a given point in differing social interactions.

What have interculturality studies demonstrated?

That cultural memberships may not be the source of breakdown in intercultural interactions, in that cultural memberships are not always salient or relevant in interactions; participants can make cultural memberships irrelevant; and cultural memberships, when relevant to interactions, do not always lead to problems of talk.

What can participants do with cultural memberships?

They can make their cultural membership irrelevant, they can ascribe membership to others in social activities, they can claim memberships of groups to which they do not normally belong, and they can resist cultural membership assigned by others.

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