Language, identity and interculturality - Identity: multiplicity and types - Master, interactional, relational and personal identities

5 important questions on Language, identity and interculturality - Identity: multiplicity and types - Master, interactional, relational and personal identities

In which two dimensions do these four types of identity differ?

Stable vs. situated and social vs. personal.

What do master identities refer to?

Those aspects of personhood which are relatively stable and do not change form situation to situation.

What do interactional identities refer to?

Specific and situational roles people enact in a communicative context.
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What do relational identities refer to?

Interpersonal relationships such as power difference or social distance between people involved in a given situation. They are negotiable and context-specific.

What do personal identities refer to?

Personality, attitudes and character which are relatively stable and unique.

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