Language Classrooms - Culture of learning (How many times do I need to practise?)

11 important questions on Language Classrooms - Culture of learning (How many times do I need to practise?)

What do stereotypical perceptions highlight?

That learning and teaching are culturally bound and culturally meaningful activities. How people learn may depend on how members of their cultural group view learning as a social activity.

What are some contributing variables to learning styles and strategies?

Culture and language background, language proficiency, motivation, age, gender, length of time living in the target culture and studying in the target culture.

What are Jin and Cortazzi's (1998) ideas about teaching and learning in their notion of culture of learning?

Appropriate ways of learning and participating in class, relationship and communication between teachers and students, etc.
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What is a learner-centred pedagogy?

Learner autonomy and the role of the teacher as facilitator.

Which factors and policies also impact on the learner's motivation and goals in language learning and subsequently on their learning styles and strategies?

Cultural beliefs, socio-economic and geopolitical factors and national and regional policies on foreign language education.

What is another challenge facing researchers into learning styles?

The risk of imposing values and educational practises of Western societies or dominant cultural groups and the related deficit model.

What is the deficit model?

Treating anything that differs from dominant practises as less adequate and in need of improvement.

What may cause myths or common misperceptions associated with a particular group of students?

A lack of understanding of the nature of learning and teaching practises concerned.

What did Kember (2000) and Watkins and Biggs (1996) argue?

There is some evidence that memorisation occurs in conjunction with attempts to reach understanding.

What did studies on learner autonomy find?

Despite frequently reported lack of autonomy, students of all types and from all sorts of places demonstrate considerable autonomy in classroom interaction and organising their learning through a variety of means, ranging from active engagement in different kinds of study outside the classroom to taking opportunities to clarify confusion with their teachers in the classroom.

What is the challenge for practitioners?

To recognize and encourage autonomous behaviours which often disappear or remain undetected beneath the radar of Western educational pedagogy.

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