Crystallization and matrix formation - Questions

4 important questions on Crystallization and matrix formation - Questions

When freezing a product, if the heat transfer from the air to the product is limiting, increasing the air blow around the product will efficiently decrease the freezing time. T/F


If we freeze a product faster, the total amount of ice produced will increase. T/F


When cooling a 20% sugar solution slowly to -20 °C, we obtain
  • Sugar crystals in an aqueous sugar solution
  • Water (ice) crystals in an enriched aqueous solution
  • A glass consisting of water and sugar molecules
  • A solid consisting of mixed water-sugar crystals

Water (ice) crystals in an enriched aqueous solution
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The following graph is a plot of the logarithm of the viscosity of a water-sugar mixture as a function of the water mass concentration in the mixture. Which of the following propositions is correct?
  • In area A, we are able the solubility limit of sugar and the product is in the rubbery state
  • Area B correspond to the glassy state
  • Area C corresponds to a stable sugar solution
  • Line D is the glass transition line

Area C corresponds to a stable sugar solution

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