Prevention of defects in barrier films - Some solutions to avoid defects in coatings - Using emulsions

3 important questions on Prevention of defects in barrier films - Some solutions to avoid defects in coatings - Using emulsions

How can emulsions be used to avoid defects in coatings?

After drying of a lipid emulsion stabilised by a protein, a relatively flexible continuous phase encloses the lipid globules, thereby forming a robust film.

What do you have to maintain in using emulsions to avoid defects in coatings?

Although in this way a more or less defect-free film is obtained, one always needs a substantial volume fraction of the continuous phase, in order to maintain the matrix flexibility and tensile strength.

What is a disadvantage of using emulsions to avoid defects in coatings?

Unfortunately, a protein- (or polysaccharide) based continuous phase features a much higher permeability for water. The Maxwell model shows that this inevitably leads to relative high water vapour permeability.

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