Crystallization and matrix formation - Structure stability and evolution - Disproportionation

3 important questions on Crystallization and matrix formation - Structure stability and evolution - Disproportionation

How is the stability of a crystal related to the size?

A larger crystal is more stable than a small crystal.

When does disproportion of crystals take place?

When the temperature is constant. You will see a slow, but steady growth of the average crystal size, and a widening of the size distribution. This is called Ostwald ripening. The total amount of crystallinity remains the same.

What is migratory re-crystallization?

It is disproportionation that takes place due to time differences. During a time of warming, mostly the small crystal melt. During re-cooling, the ice will mostly form on the larger crystals. After repeating this a few times, a faster Ostwald ripening takes place.

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