Introducing Project Management - Flashcards

12 important questions on Introducing Project Management - Flashcards

Define - Organizational Project Management (OPM)

An organizational approach to coordinate, manage and control projects, programs and portfolios in a uniform, consistent effort.

Define - project communication management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas; it is the planning and management of communication among project stakeholders.

Define - project cost management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas; It is the estimating, budgeting, and controlling of the project expenses.
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Define - project human resource management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas;projects are completed by people, and the project manager generally oversees the management of the human resources on the project team.

Define - project management office (PMO)

Organizes and manages control over all projects within an organization and coordinates all aspects, methodology, and nomenclature for project process, templates, software and resource assignment. A PMO also may be known as a program management office, project office, or simply the program office.

Define - project portfolio management

A management process to select the projects that should be invested in. Specifically, it is the selection process based on the need, profitability, and affordability of the proposed projects.

Define - project procurement management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas;this knowledge area oversees the purchasing and contract administration for a project.

Define - project quality management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas; this knowledge area defines quality assurance, quality control, and the quality policy for the project.

Define - project risk management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas;it defines the risk identification, analysis, responses, and control of risk events.

Define - project scope management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas;it defines the project requirements, scope creation and control.

Define - project time management

One of the ten project management knowledge areas; it defines the approach to time estimating, scheduling and control of the project activities.

Define - Triple Constraints of Project Management

Describes the required balance of time, costs, and scope for a project. The Triple Constraints of Project Management is also defined by the Iron Triangle of Project Management.

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