The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct - Responsibilities to the Customer and to the Public

3 important questions on The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct - Responsibilities to the Customer and to the Public

What two aspects of honesty should a project manager always try to balance?

Fairness and loyalty. Loyalty is the obligation of the project manager to promote the best interests of the organization that employs her. A project manager protects the best interests of the organization first while maintaining a balance of fairness with those outside of the organization.

What are the golden rules for project managers regarding truth and honesty?

  • delivering the project scope as expected by the customer
  • keep confidential information confidential
  • play fair

What are the three responsibilities of the project manager?

  • Enforcing Project Management Truth and Honesty
  • Eliminating Inappropriate Actions
  • Respecting Others

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