Managing the project scope - Definitions for Managing Project Scope

5 important questions on Managing the project scope - Definitions for Managing Project Scope

Define - requirements management plan

Defines how requirements will be managed throughout the phases of the project. This plan also defines how any changes to the requirements will be allowed, documented, and tracked through project execution.

Define - nominal group technique

A group creativity technique that follows the brain-storming model but ranks each brainstorm idea.

Define - multicriteria decision analysis

An approach that relies on a systematic method of determining, ranking, and eliminating project criteria such as performance metrics, risk, requirements, and other project elements.
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Define - requirements traceability matrix

A table that helps the project team identify the characteristics and delivery of each requirement in the project scope.

Define - work breakdown structure

A decomposition of the project scope statement into work packages. The WBS is an input to seven project management processes.

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