Project Quality Management - Implementing quality control

16 important questions on Project Quality Management - Implementing quality control

What are the core activities of QC?

  • To monitor project results to determine that the results are up to demand of the quality standards
  • Root cause analysis to define cause of unsatisfactory quality
  • Applying corrective actions

How is competence in quality control ensured?

  • Conduct statistical quality control
  • Inspecting of the product
  • Perform attribute sampling
  • Conduct variable sampling
  • Study special causes
  • Research random causes
  • Check tolerance range
  • Observe control limits

What are the inputs for quality control?

  • The quality management plan
  • Quality metrics
  • Quality checklist
  • Work performance data
  • Approved change requests
  • Work results
  • Project documents
  • Organizational Process Assets
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How does a flowchart aid in quality control?

Flowcharts show the relationships between components and help the project team determine where quality issues may be present.

What types of flowcharts are being recognized?

  • Cause-and-effect diagrams - show the relationships between the variables within a process and how those relationships may contribute to inadequate quality (also called fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram)
  • System or process flowcharts - illustrate the flow of a process through a system, such as a project change request through the change control system, or work authorization through the quality control process.

What is the purpose of a control chart?

It illustrates the performance of a project over time, they map the results of inspections against a chart.

What is UCL, what is LCL?

UCL is the upper control limit, often set at 3 or 6 sigma, LCL is the lower control limit, often set at -3 or -6 sigma

What do we mean with out of control, assignable cause, and the Rule of Seven?

  • When testing results are plotted it could happen that these fall under the LCL or above the UCL. Then results are called out of control, or assignable cause, which needs to be investigated to understand the why of the occurrence.
  • The Rule of Seven is when seven consecutive results ate all on one side of the mean, this is also called an assignable cause.

What is a Pareto diagram used for?

A diagram that illustrates the problems by assigned cause from smallest to largest. First the largest problems should be worked on.

What are the seven basic quality management tools?

  1. Scatter diagrams
  2. Control charts
  3. Histograms
  4. Pareto Diagrams
  5. Checksheets
  6. Flowcharts
  7. Cause-and-effect diagrams

What is the purpose of a run chart?

Show the results of inspections in the order of which they occur, in order to demonstrate the results over time and then perform trend analysis to predict when certain trends reemerge.

How does statistical sampling work?

Statistical sampling uses a percentage of the results to test for quality, which can hep to reduce quality control costs. Statistical sampling must be executed in a consistent way in order to be reliant upon.

How is flowcharting valuable in quality control?

It enables the process to be evaluated and tested to determine where in the process quality begins to break down.

What is trend analysis and how can it help in quality control?

Trend analysis is the science of taking past results to predict future performance. The results can allow a project manager to apply corrective action to intervene and prevent unacceptable outcomes. It can be used for:
  • Technical performance monitoring
  • Cost and schedule performance

What are the two things that happen as a consequence of quality control?

  • The project manager and team implement corrective actions to prevent unacceptable quality.
  • The project manager and team improve the overall quality of the project management processes.

What are other results of quality control?

  • Validate deliverables and changes
  • Rework
  • Completed checklists- store as project record
  • Process adjustments
  • Recommendations

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