Nerve cells and their signaling functions - Cortical visual processing

6 important questions on Nerve cells and their signaling functions - Cortical visual processing

The layers 1 and 5 of the primary visual cortex project to

The extra striate visual cortical areas in the occipital, parietal and temporal lobes and the thalamus

What are the cortical association areas

This refers to all cortical regions that are not primarily sensory or motor

For what information is the V4 important

Processing information pertinent to color vision
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For what are MT (middle temporal) and MST (middle superior temporal) important

For the generation of motion percepts

What is the McGurk effect

Lip movement can change how we perceive sound

What is cross model influence perception

When we see two balls collide we are more likely to say they collided if we have a sound effect paired with the visual information

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