War and revolution, 1914-1919 - the outcome and the impact - the search for peace in a revolutionary era

4 important questions on War and revolution, 1914-1919 - the outcome and the impact - the search for peace in a revolutionary era

What effect did the end of the war have on the Balkan?

many ethnic groups saw the chance for selfrule after the fall of the habsburg system  and created their own systems of rule. these systems weren't very stable and a power vacuum remained in the balkan.

Why did the bolsheviks change their name to communists?

they wanted to make it clear that they offered a revolutionairy socialism, and not a reformist.approach and that they sought to inspire revolution in other countries.

Did the revolution spread to other countries?

while less succesful, some communist states were created in bavaria and hungary but were quickly undone.
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What influence did the british have on the middle east?

the british aided the revolt against the ottoman empire, sending T.E. Lawrence. independence was supposed to be the next step for the arab countries.

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