Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - restoration and reaction, 1814-1830 - restored monarchs in western europe

5 important questions on Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - restoration and reaction, 1814-1830 - restored monarchs in western europe

How was france ruled after the restoration?

the bourbons created a constitutional monarchy and provided a parlaiment with an elected chamber of deputies and an appointed chamber of peers. 100.000 men were given suffrage

What was the financial fallout for brittain?

brittain suddenly had to deal with 100.000 veterans, a severe drop in government expenditure, rampant inflation and financial disarray

What was the response of the government?

the government moved to protect the interests of the elite
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How did people try to change these laws?

through peaceful protest, most prominent of which was the protest at St. peter's field where troops were sent to disband the crowd of 60.000 and the cavalry charged, killing some and injuring 400. afterwards, it was called the peterloo massacre. right of assembly was afterwards outlawed

What did people in Britian want to change?

Suffrage for male and female and more democratic reforms; annual meetup of the parliamant

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