The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - urban problems and solutions - the introduction of public services

4 important questions on The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - urban problems and solutions - the introduction of public services

Why was there attention for liveability in cities?

i wish i could say it was out of solidarity but the rich mainly got worried about the idea of the disease of the poor coming to their areas of the city, so they sought to prevent that.

Who was the first to reform?

health reform began in brittain with the public health bill in 1848, demanding that cities desposed of waste and built sewers. this was followed up by the health act of 1875, this demanded basic health standards for water and drainage. this was because there was now knowledge that cholera spread through water

What transport was provided?

the french had built horsedrawn trams and the british build an underground railway. bikes became a major form of transportation
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What other advances improved security?

the introduction of gaslight, making it safer to go out at night and the police forces were expanded

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