Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - restoration and reaction, 1814-1830 - spain and its colonies

4 important questions on Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - restoration and reaction, 1814-1830 - spain and its colonies

What reform did spain institute under napoleonic occupation?

spain adopted a constitution that ensured all men suffrage and a unicameral legislature over government policy

Who was reinstated after the congress?

king Ferdinand VII was the king before napoleon ousted him and returned to the throne and was hostile to the constitution and had liberals arrested or driven into exile

How did the colonies respond to the return of the king?

during the war, the colonies had ruled for themselves and their attitude didn't change with the return of the king.
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How did the king respond to the increased independence of his colonies?

the king didn't want to negotiate any terms and instead rallied his armies to send them overseas to subdue the colonies.

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