The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - social impacts of economic growth - the transformation of the countryside

4 important questions on The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - social impacts of economic growth - the transformation of the countryside

How did the countryside change from the mid-19th century?

a lot of people started leaving the countryside. supply of labor dropped so wages rose.
efficiency also rose and allowed greater access to better nutrition, increasing health.

How was efficiency improved?

new fertilizer, working schedules, specialization and steam-powered threshers

How did urban areas influence the countryside?

through new roads and railways, their markets were expanded. teachers came to the villages and local dialects and languages fell out of use. fashion from the cities became the norm and local garnments vanished. urban values were spread through the youth returning from the city
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What were the major downsides of modernization?

the cottage industry declined because of mass produced goods, removing a source of income during dark times. local markets collapsed because a lot of goods were readily available from other areas. grain from the americas was cheap and caused a crisis, urging many farmers to move to the cities or americas

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