Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - the revolutions of 1848 - liberals: from success to defeat

4 important questions on Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - the revolutions of 1848 - liberals: from success to defeat

What were the initial results of the uprising in paris?

the victors declared a republic that provided constitutional freedoms and universal male suffrage, this sent shockwaves across europe

How did this affect the austrian empire?

crowds in vienna were inspired by the french success and demonstrated. metternich lost control of vienna and fled to london. under pressure, austria agreed to draw up a constitution and abolished serfdom

How did the french success affect germany?

dukes and princes in german states dismissed their cabinets and adopted constitutions. prussia was left rather untouched until the fall of metternich. king friedrich wilhelm IV announced he would support a constitutional germany
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What followed the progress?

after the loss of a common foe, the uprisings fractured. farmers in france resisted taxes for workshops by voting for conservatives who closed the workshops, resulting in an uprising of the poor. it was subdued but the government needed more authority and security. louis napoleon, a nephew of napoleon bonaparte, was elected president

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