Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - the quest for reform, 1830-1848 - british reform

4 important questions on Restoration, reform and revolution, 1814-1848 - the quest for reform, 1830-1848 - british reform

What was the problem with parlaiment?

it failed to be an accurate composition of the population. some areas had expanded but didn't have representation and other areas did but were declining

Why was reform pushed through?

the news from the french july revolution made conservatives fear a same fate and allowed for reform known as the great reform bill

What colonial reform was issued?

slavery was abolished in 1833 in the empire and activaly surpressed slave transports of other nations. the gave mainly caucasian colonies more self controle.
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Anti-corn law league?

a group of businessen seeking to abolish the corn laws, the tarrifs leveled on imported grain. the middle class and working class both supported this and the law was abolished in 1846

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