The tortured decade, 1930-1940 - fascist challenge and antifascist response, 1934-1939 - from democracy to civil war in spain, 1931-1939

4 important questions on The tortured decade, 1930-1940 - fascist challenge and antifascist response, 1934-1939 - from democracy to civil war in spain, 1931-1939

What were the causes of discontent in the early 30s in spain?

an agrarian reform law was passed in 1932 by the liberal democratic and socialist coalition. but the law was slow to be implemented, causing a lot discontent

What were the results of the election in 1936?

a popular front won a narrow majority in parlement. the new popular front implemented progressive reform but couldn't undo radicalization.

Who started the civil war?

in 1936, several officers started an uprising and seized parts of spain. they were led by general francisco franco. they failed to seize all of spain and a civil war was the result.
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How did the civil war escalate?

other countries aided both sides. germany and italy aided francisco and the USSR aided the communists who fought to preserve the republic.

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