The tortured decade, 1930-1940 - the stalinist revolution in the soviet union

4 important questions on The tortured decade, 1930-1940 - the stalinist revolution in the soviet union

How did the soviet union recover from this?

restrictions on life stock and private plots were eased up in 1933. life standards rose

What ws the criticism concerning the forced development?

there was tremendous human cost and inefficiencies. it also departed from socialist principles like equality in pay.

What was a result of stalin's brutal tactics?

in 1932, a group of parymembers led by Ryutin circulated a 200-pages long tract among partymembers that condemned stalin and called for the return of exiled partymembers.
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How did stalin respond to the tract?

he ousted all the pary members that were part of Ryutin's group and had them all arrested. stalin started looking for enemies from abroad

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