The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - industrial growth and acceleration - the second industrial revolution

5 important questions on The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - industrial growth and acceleration - the second industrial revolution

What other scientific breakthroughs aided industrial improvements

the use of electricity, dynamite and synthetic dyes

What expanded the supply of credit?

the discovery of gold in australia and california, allowing for more loans and investements and creating the modern banking system

What were the benefits of this new steel production?

with steel now being more in abundance, railways were expanded, steamship fleets could be built and there was an explosive growth in building industry
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Sir henry bessemer?

sir henry bessemer discovered a fast method to create steel in 1856. his production method allowed the process of producing to be reduced to 24 minutes where it would normally take 24 hours

Second industrial revolution?

interrelated economic changes after 1850 that included new sources of energy, new products, new methods of manufacture, and new materials, such as mass produced steel, synthetic dyes and aluminum

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