Crystallization and matrix formation - Freezing and thatwing - Unwanted product (re-)structuring

3 important questions on Crystallization and matrix formation - Freezing and thatwing - Unwanted product (re-)structuring

What happens when freezing and thawing vegetables?

When freezing, the structure of the food is lost. The turgor (firmness) is lost and the product will leak water. The ice crystals created in the cells pierce the cell walls. The intracellular fluid is released. The internal pressure that kept the cells in shape (turgor) is lost, and all cells become 'deflated' (like a balloon).

What is the difference between freezing of vegetables or meat?

Vegetables lose the turgor (firmness). But as animal cells do not have cell walls, the effect of the pierced membranes on the firmness is less.

What is a remedy for unwanted protein (re-)structuring?

Quick freezing. The ice crystals formed are smaller, and cell walls are much less pierced. Turgor is better retained and the product will remain better in shape.

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