Designing managing services

9 important questions on Designing managing services

Five catergories of service mix:

  1. Pure tangible
  2. Tangible good with accompanying services
  3. Hybrid; equal goods &services
  4. Major service with accompanying minor goods and services
  5. Pure service

Which four service characteristics affect the design of the marketing program?

  1. Intangibility
  2. Inseparability
  3. Perish ability; services cannot be stored
  4. Variability;

Service companies often try to demonstrate/ market their service through physical evidence and presentation. What tools can they use for this?

  • People
  • Place
  • Equipment
  • Communication material
  • Symbols
  • Price
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How do marketers get around the limitations of inseparability?

  • Add more providers
  • Work faster
  • Work with larger groups and one provider

Services are variable because they are never the same. What can a firm do to increase quality control?

  • Hiring and training good people
  • Standardize service performance process as much as possible
  • Monitor satisfaction of customer

The perishability of services is difficult. Marketers need to make sure that services are available at the right time. How can they do that? In supplying and demand?

  • Differential pricing will shift demand from peak to off peak periods
  • Nonpeak demand can be cultivated. (breakfast mcdonalds)
  • Complementary services provide alternatives to waiting customers
  • Reservation systems manage the demand level

  • Part-time employees can serve peak demand
  • Peak-time efficiency allows employees to perform only essential tasks during peak periods.
  • Increased consumer participation frees service providers' time
  • Shared services can improve offerings
  • Facilities for future expansion

How to achieve excellence in service marketing?

  • Marketing excellence
  • Best practices
  • Differentiating services

Marketing excellence requires excellence in three broad areas:

  1. External; promoting, pricing, distributing
  2. Internal; hiring, training, motivating employees
  3. Interactive; employees' skill in serving customer

Hoe kan je de winstgevendheid van een klant het best meten? Customer profiability analysis CPA

Met behilp van bedrijfseconomische analyse genaamd activity based costing ABC

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