Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - german unification, 1850-1871

6 important questions on Nationalism and political reform, 1850-1880 - german unification, 1850-1871

Otto von bismarck?

otto von bismarck (r. 1861-1888) was a prussian aristocrat and reactionair and opposed liberal ideals. he was loyal to the monarchy and sought to expand its power through realpolitik

What choice did bismarck offer the liberals?

the liberals could either choose nationhood through prussian power or liberty. it could not have both

How did bismarck proceed to unify germany?

bismarck sought to unify germany with any means at his disposal. prussia had a strong army and bismarck used this to wrest german provinces from denmark in 1864 and austria in 1866. these victories also made bismarck a hero
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What political circumstances allowed for these wars to be won?

austria had lost its ally russia through inaction during the crimean war. france was easily swayed to stand down by promising them brussels but bismarck never intended to deliver upon this promise

What did the founding document of new germany provide?

the bundesrat was a chamber of appointed representatives of the german states
the reichstag was an elected body, elected by male suffrage

What did the unification of Germany mean for the balance of power?

The unification was disastrous for the Balance of power in Europe

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