The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - culture in an age of optimism - educational and cultural opportunities

3 important questions on The age of optimism, 1850-1880 - culture in an age of optimism - educational and cultural opportunities

Why did the second reform bill spur a movement to ensure education?

the second reform bill expanded suffrage, granting it to some workers as  well. since the most important thing for a democracy is a well-informed electorate, a movement began to ensure that new voters were educated. they set standards for primary education and made it mandatory

What about secondary education?

secondary education wasn't mandatory and wasn't subsidized. therefore, only the rich and some of the lower middle class attended universities

What other institutions spread knowledge?

the 19th century saw a rise in the number of libraries and museums became more accessible to the general public, putting people into contact with the history of their country

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