The new imperialism and the spread of europe's influence - vulnerable democracies - france

3 important questions on The new imperialism and the spread of europe's influence - vulnerable democracies - france

What was one of the flaws of the third french republic?

it lacked a strong leader. coalitions reward those with mediocre ideas since it takes less effort to make them match. the supporters actually liked it because a mediocre leader couldn;t seize power like napoleon III

How did the dreyfus affair split the country?

the Left wanted the case reopened, the right wing, catholic zealots and royalists wanted it close because the army should be above the law and one man's life was immaterial

What action did the dreyfus affair lead to?

catholics had a leading voice and were now percieved as a menace. the left was voted as a majority and pushed separation of church and state through in 1905.

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