Hitler and nazism in germany - nazi aims and german society - women, family, and reproduction

4 important questions on Hitler and nazism in germany - nazi aims and german society - women, family, and reproduction

How did emancipation fare under hitler's regime?

dreadful. hitler deplored the emancipation of women and tried to get them out of the workforce by offering interest free-loans to starting families if women stayed home. this persisted until 1936.

What changed the regime's opinion of women in the workplace?

rearmament created labor shortage and women were lured back to the workplace, although with little success. by 1940, there was talk of conscripting women into military industry

How did the regime influence families?

it encouraged child bearing among those considered fit and regulated marriage.
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How did hitler try to strengthen the race?

by sterilizing those who had a hereditary defect or disease. 400.000 people were sterilized

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